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Business Operations

As a Company that support a healthy mind and body in all people

We want everone to live a healthy, happy life from the day they come into the world. To achieve our dream, we offer products and services suitable all generations using technologies we have developed in the areas of non-woven fabrics and absorbent materials.

Currently, we aspire to provide customer satisfaction through the development of high quality products and marketing activities across two business segments baby care and feminine care.

Baby Care

BabyJoy brand is a personality like "by representing a mother's love, BabyJoy is the best partner who can be relied on while taking care of your baby" and BabyJoy provides a baby with the best warm comfort feeling, like when he/she is being held by a his/her mother.  With this, BabyJoy promises to deepen further a mother and baby's bond.

The mother who wishes to give all her love to her child as much as possible so that her child can grow up with rich and full feelings and be loved by everyone. BabyJoy is a baby care products and services by the latest absorbent technology and nonwoven processing technology in the world which will always continue to pursue improvement for childcare life based on a deep understanding about a child's mind and the body.  A child's bottom is kept healthy with the World's best absorbent functions, baby feels comfort and in good spirit (always smiling). That is why a mother feels a sense of reliability (sense of peace).

Feminine Care

Sofy brand has a personality and atmosphere like a “person who can give numerous suggestions based on a background full of rich knowledge and is cheerful, full of compassion, and can be trusted,” and to consumers, “deeply thinks most about menstruation and promises security and comfort ability that will reach a woman’s mind and soul”.

Sofy brand to “women with their own goals, who wants life to be interesting and happy while balancing work and private time to themselves”, “continues to understand a female’s feelings and body, and also with high advanced technology and new ideas, can deliver highly valuable menstruation care products and services” with this, “to bring about the least leakage and the greatest comfort in the world” “That’s why feeling of security and comfort is felt by not only bodies but also heart and soul.”